Two HVAC technicians use a dolly to haul a condenser on a rooftop.
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SEER definition in HVAC: 2023 DOE dictionary

New DOE standards and testing for heating and cooling equipment across the U.S. are renewing focus on efficiency metrics.

Some of these terms—such as SEER, EER and HSPF—have been around for a while, but 2023 brought new numbers and different standards. Discover the SEER definition in HVAC and more about 2023 DOE efficiency standards with our DOE dictionary, in alphabetical order.

DOE dictionary for SEER definition and more

Explore the terms around DOE efficiency standards HVAC contractors need to know in 2023.

DOE: Department of Energy

Department of Energy, the branch of the government that administers the country’s energy policy and sets the minimums and guidelines for the codes that affect HVAC and other sectors of our economic, technological, scientific and engineering infrastructure.

EER2: energy efficiency ratio

The newest energy efficiency ratio based on the testing metric required by the new M1 standards requiring equipment to test to more accurate static pressure standards (.5 ESP).

ESP: external static pressure

External static pressure, the metric used to determine the resistance of pressure found in ductwork or equipment components that the blower or fan must work against. In the new Appendix M1 guidelines, the minimum test standard has increased 5 times the old standard to more accurately reflect typical field and installation conditions.

HSPF2: heating seasonal performance factor

Newest heating seasonal performance factor based on the testing metric required by the new M1 standards requiring equipment to test to more accurate static pressure standards (.5 ESP).

M1, Appendix

The new Appendix M1 in the legislation addresses HVAC and regulations. The previous legislation was referred to as “M,” as this lived in the M section of the law. M1 standards are the newest adaptation to this appendix and outline the new efficiencies, regional guidelines and testing metrics. You will hear the new guidelines and equipment referenced as “M1” because of this.

SEER2: seasonal energy efficiency ratio

Newest seasonal energy efficiency ratio based on the testing metric required by the new Appendix M1 standards requiring equipment to test to more accurate static pressure standards (.5 ESP).

Record keeping and compliance rules for contractors

It’s recommended that HVAC contractors keep records for 60 months with the following information:

  • Product model

  • Serial numbers

  • Location of installation

  • Sell and installation date

Discuss SEER definitions and terms with Ferguson

Knowledgeable Ferguson associates can talk through the HVAC changes with you and help you find the equipment you need for your contracting business. Contact your local Ferguson counter today.