Customer Support

How to Use the Job Board

Learn how to select the correct account and store location that will receive and fulfill your orders.

Job Board Overview

For customers with one or more accounts, the Job Board allows you to view and change your default account information on You can toggle between your various main and job accounts to ensure your orders are placed on the correct account and select the store location that will receive your orders. This also applies to visits on the mobile app. The information displayed on your Job Board will vary depending on your Ferguson account, but may include:

  • Selected Account: This is the primary account used to apply pricing and product availability. If there are multiple main accounts, then you can select the correct main account for your order. The account name you select will remain as the default account upon your next visit and all future visits until another account is selected.

  • Selected Job: This is the job account you wish to use for orders. The job name you select will remain as the default job account upon your next visit and all future visits until another job account is selected. If there are no job accounts, this drop-down will not appear.

  • Selected Contract: Every job will have at least one price contract, but this drop-down will not appear if there is only one contract. If multiple contracts exist, you may select the appropriate contract.

  • Selected Store: This is the Ferguson warehouse location that will receive your order. The store you select will remain as the default store upon your next visit and all future visits until another store is selected.

Accessing Job Board

Once you are logged in to, click the notepad icon or account name to access the Job Board. The Job Board window will display.

You can now manage the account, job, contract and store settings for your order. Clicking the change arrow on the right side of the desired item allows you to select from the options in each drop-down menu. Clicking the close arrow will then close that drop-down. Click Apply and the selected account, job, contract and store will update and remain as the default to those settings until you make a future change.

Selected Account

  • Click the change arrow next to Selected Account to view a list of your accounts. If you have only one main account, it will appear here.

  • If there are multiple accounts, select the account you wish to view.

  • The account you choose will be the account under which your orders are placed on The other information within your Job Board will change depending on the selections you make under Selected Account.

  • Click “Apply” once you have chosen your Selected Account.

  • The account you select becomes the default job account until the next time you change it.

Selected Job

  • Click the change arrow next to Selected Job to view a list of your job accounts.*

  • Select the job account you wish to view.

  • The job account you choose will be the account on which your orders are placed on The other information within your Job Board will change depending on the selections you make under Selected Job.

  • Click “Apply” once you have chosen your Selected Job.

  • The job account you select becomes the default job account until the next time you change it.

*Please note: Administrators within your organization have the ability to select which job accounts other employees can see, therefore the number of jobs you see may vary based on your user access set by your administrator. If you are an administrator for your company, you will see all the job accounts within your organization.

Selected Contract

  • If the job account you initially selected has individual pricing contracts, they will appear under Selected Contract. If only a base contract displays, there are no other contracts for the selected job account.

  • Click the change arrow next to Selected Contract to choose the pricing contract you wish to view.

  • The contract you choose will be the pricing you see as you shop and place orders on

  • Click Apply after choosing your Selected Contract.

  • The selected contract you choose will remain the default contract until the next time you change it.

Selected Store

  • A list of the Ferguson stores that service your Selected Job will appear under Selected Store.

  • Change your Selected Store by clicking the change arrow next to the Selected Store field.

  • Click the store you wish to have your orders sent to and then click Apply.

  • The selected store you choose will remain the default store until the next time you change it.

Job Board information in Your Shopping Cart

You can update your Selected Job information from your Shopping Cart prior to checking out.

Click Selected Job on the left to change the account on which your order will be placed.

  • You will also be able to change your Selected Contract from the Selected Job in your Shopping Cart if the job you select has pricing contracts.

  • The job account and pricing contract information you choose could affect the availability and pricing of products in your shopping cart.

Click Selected Store on the right to change the store that your order will be sent to. Please note that changing your Selected Store could affect the availability of products in your shopping cart.

The selections you make from your shopping cart will remain as your default selections on your Job Board until the next time you change them.